We are committed to seeing crypto-currencies thrive as media of exchange. To help promote widespread use, we created CryptoCertify – to encourage confidence in crypto-currency markets.
CryptoCertify is owned by James Stroud of New Mexico and Russel Waters of Washington state. Both have participated in several crypto-currency projects. Between them, they have 30 years of programming experience.

Part of CryptoCertify’s Deployment and Launch Certifications is our stamp of approval on your wallet builds using our Authenticode (R) signature. This signature lets your users know that your wallet is safe and free from any malware, enhancing the user experience and inspiring confidence in your crypto-currency.
The two images below provide an example of what users would see with (left image) and without (right image) our Authenitcode (R) signature.

01 / Developer ID verification
We begin with a rigorous identity verification of the lead developers. Identity verifcation is a multi-step process that involves written and/or verbal communication, video chat and legal proof of identity, such as notarized identity verifcation. We ensure that only identified developers have access to code repositories. Note that although we do not warrant developers, we require rigorous ID verification as part of our due diligence during the Code, Deployment, and Launch Certification processes.

02 / Code review
Identified developers are then eligible for a complete code review wherein our cryptocurrency experts look for anomalies related to the money supply, such as obfuscated pre-mines or post-mines. Our experts also ensure that the money supply will stay within limits specified by the coin developers, and identify any potential bugs found during review.

03 / Testing and building
Our development team then builds the wallet code as a deployable Microsoft Windows application and tests for basic wallet operations and networking. Part of the testing process includes a blockchain analysis to verify that coin production meets specifications in terms of money supply and block times. We also provide similar services for Mac OS X and Linux deployment.

04 / Electronic Code Certification
After testing, we electronically sign the code using a digital certificate recognized by Microsoft, Apple, and other major software vendors. This signature ensures that the program does not change between its digital certification and deployment to your users.

05 / Ratings
Finally, as part of our process, we offer coin ratings based on identity verifcation, code review, testing, and whether certified wallets were used at launch. These ratings are:

Developer ID Verification
Legal Proof of Identity
- 1. Copy of government issued identification *and*
- 2. Any of – Notarized proof of identity – Copy of birth certificate – Copy of passport
Brief Summary of Relevant Experience
- 1. Programming skills
- 2. Previous projects and roles in those projects
Developers must supply the aforementioned documents!

Certified Code
- 1. Certified Code must have a Developer with a verified ID.
- 2. The Developers must state what roles they have in the crypto-currency submitted for certification.
- 3. The Developer must demonstrate exclusive control over the code repository, or all direct contributors to the repository must be Developers with a verified ID.
- 4. Developers must submit – The crypto-currency specifications (emission schedule, money supply, staking parameters). – Repository commit identifier or source bundle for the code being certified.
Codebase Criteria
- 1. Inspection of the code must not reveal evidence of any malicious behavior.
- 2. Have emission, money supply and staking characteristics that agree with the coin specifications, including no hidden premines or emission anomalies.
- 3. Be free of obvious security holes or exploits.

Certified Deployment
- 1. The deployment executables must be built by the CryptoCertify team.
- 2. The deployment must be crash-free during live testing.
- 3. The deployment must meet the coin specifications provided during code certification.
- 4. The deployment must not show any evidence of malicious activity during testing.